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¥There’s one more edit to make…

import BaseLayout from "../layouts/BaseLayout.astro";
const pageTitle = "About Me";
const happy = true;
const finished = false;
const finished = true;
const goal = 3;
const identity = {
firstName: "Sarah",
country: "Canada",
occupation: "Technical Writer",
hobbies: ["photography", "birdwatching", "baseball"],
const skills = ["HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "React", "Astro", "Writing Docs"];
const skillColor = "navy";
const fontWeight = "bold";
const textCase = "uppercase";

我们希望你了解一些 Astro 的基础知识,并一路享受乐趣!

¥We hope you learned a little about the basics of Astro, and had fun along the way!

你可以在本教程的 GitHub 上找到该项目的代码,或者在 IDXStackBlitz 等在线代码环境中打开工作版本。

¥You can find the code for the project in this tutorial on GitHub or open a working version in an online code environment like IDX or StackBlitz.

查看我们的文档以获取指南和参考材料,并访问我们的 Discord 来提问、获取帮助或只是闲逛!

¥Check out our docs for guides and reference material, and visit our Discord to ask questions, get help or just hang out!


¥Welcome to the universe, astronaut. 👩🏼‍🚀👨🏿‍🚀🧑‍🚀👩🏾‍🚀


¥Share your achievement!

恭喜你完成 Astro 博客教程!与世界分享你的成就,让每个人都知道你现在是一名宇航员!

¥Congratulations on completing the Astro blog tutorial! Share your achievement with the world and let everyone know you’re an Astronaut now!

¥Next Steps

你可以使用我们的教程扩展之一增强此项目的最终代码,或者开始你的下一个 Astro 项目!

¥You can enhance this project’s final code with one of our tutorial extensions, or start your next Astro project!

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