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  • 创建页脚组件

  • 创建属性并将其传递给社交媒体组件

现在你已经在页面上使用了 Astro 组件,是时候在另一个组件中使用一个组件了!

¥Now that you have used Astro components on a page, it’s time to use a component within another component!

¥Create a Footer Component

  1. Create a new file at the location src/components/Footer.astro.

  2. Copy the following code into your new file, Footer.astro.

    const platform = "github";
    const username = "withastro";
    <p>Learn more about my projects on <a href={`https://www.${platform}.com/${username}`}>{platform}</a>!</p>

导入并使用 Footer.astro

标题部分 导入并使用 Footer.astro

¥Import and use Footer.astro

  1. Add the following import statement to the frontmatter in each of your three Astro pages (index.astro, about.astro, and blog.astro):

    import Footer from '../components/Footer.astro';
  2. Add a new <Footer /> component in your Astro template on each page, just before the closing </body> tag to display your footer at the bottom of the page.

    <Footer />
  3. In your browser preview, check that you can see your new footer text on each page.

自己尝试一下 - 个性化你的页脚

标题部分 自己尝试一下 - 个性化你的页脚

¥Try it yourself - Personalize your footer

自定义页脚以显示多个社交网络(例如 Instagram、Twitter、LinkedIn),并包含你的用户名以直接链接到你自己的个人资料。

¥Customize your footer to display multiple social networks (e.g. Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) and include your username to link directly to your own profile.

¥Code Check-In

如果你一直遵循本教程中的每个步骤,你的 index.astro 文件应如下所示:

¥If you’ve been following along with each step in the tutorial, your index.astro file should look like this:

import Navigation from '../components/Navigation.astro';
import Footer from '../components/Footer.astro';
import '../styles/global.css';
const pageTitle = 'Home Page';
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/favicon.svg" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<meta name="generator" content={Astro.generator} />
<Navigation />
<Footer />

¥Create a Social Media component


¥Since you might have multiple online accounts you can link to, you can make a single, reusable component and display it multiple times. Each time, you will pass it different properties (props) to use: the online platform and your username there.

  1. Create a new file at the location src/components/Social.astro.

  2. Copy the following code into your new file, Social.astro.

    const { platform, username } = Astro.props;
    <a href={`https://www.${platform}.com/${username}`}>{platform}</a>

在页脚中导入并使用 Social.astro

标题部分 在页脚中导入并使用 Social.astro

¥Import and use Social.astro in your Footer

  1. Change the code in src/components/Footer.astro to import, then use this new component three times, passing different component attributes as props each time:

    const platform = "github";
    const username = "withastro";
    import Social from './Social.astro';
    <p>Learn more about my projects on <a href={`https://www.${platform}.com/${username}`}>{platform}</a>!</p>
    <Social platform="twitter" username="astrodotbuild" />
    <Social platform="github" username="withastro" />
    <Social platform="youtube" username="astrodotbuild" />
  2. Check your browser preview, and you should see your new footer displaying links to these three platforms on each page.


标题部分 设计你的社交媒体组件

¥Style your Social Media Component

  1. Customize the appearance of your links by adding a <style> tag to src/components/Social.astro.

    const { platform, username } = Astro.props;
    <a href={`https://www.${platform}.com/${username}`}>{platform}</a>
    a {
    padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
    color: white;
    background-color: #4c1d95;
    text-decoration: none;
  2. Add a <style> tag to src/components/Footer.astro to improve the layout of its contents.

    import Social from './Social.astro';
    footer {
    display: flex;
    gap: 1rem;
    margin-top: 2rem;
    <Social platform="twitter" username="astrodotbuild" />
    <Social platform="github" username="withastro" />
    <Social platform="youtube" username="astrodotbuild" />
  3. Check your browser preview again and confirm that each page shows an updated footer.

¥Test Yourself

  1. 你需要在 Astro 组件的 frontmatter 中编写哪行代码才能接收 titleauthordate 的值作为 props?
  1. 如何将值作为 props 传递给 Astro 组件?



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