国际化 API 参考
Added in:
此模块提供功能来帮助你使用项目配置的语言环境创建 URL。
¥This module provides functions to help you create URLs using your project’s configured locales.
使用 i18n 路由为你的项目创建路由将取决于你设置的影响页面路由的某些配置值。使用这些功能创建路由时,请务必考虑你的个人设置:
¥Creating routes for your project with the i18n router will depend on certain configuration values you have set that affect your page routes. When creating routes with these functions, be sure to take into account your individual settings for:
另请注意,这些函数为你的 defaultLocale
创建的返回 URL 将反映你的 i18n.routing
¥Also, note that the returned URLs created by these functions for your defaultLocale
will reflect your i18n.routing
有关功能和使用示例,查看我们的 i18n 路由指南。
¥For features and usage examples, see our i18n routing guide.
从 astro:i18n
标题部分 从 astro:i18n 导入¥Imports from astro:i18n
import { getRelativeLocaleUrl, getAbsoluteLocaleUrl, getRelativeLocaleUrlList, getAbsoluteLocaleUrlList, getPathByLocale, getLocaleByPath, redirectToDefaultLocale, redirectToFallback, notFound, middleware, requestHasLocale, } from 'astro:i18n';
标题部分 getRelativeLocaleUrl()类型:(locale: string, path?: string, options?: GetLocaleOptions) => string
¥Type: (locale: string, path?: string, options?: GetLocaleOptions) => string
使用此函数检索区域设置的相对路径。如果区域设置不存在,Astro 会抛出错误。
¥Use this function to retrieve a relative path for a locale. If the locale doesn’t exist, Astro throws an error.
---import { getRelativeLocaleUrl } from 'astro:i18n';
getRelativeLocaleUrl("fr");// returns /fr
getRelativeLocaleUrl("fr", "");// returns /fr
getRelativeLocaleUrl("fr", "getting-started");// returns /fr/getting-started
getRelativeLocaleUrl("fr_CA", "getting-started", { prependWith: "blog"});// returns /blog/fr-ca/getting-started
getRelativeLocaleUrl("fr_CA", "getting-started", { prependWith: "blog", normalizeLocale: false});// returns /blog/fr_CA/getting-started---
标题部分 getAbsoluteLocaleUrl()类型:(locale: string, path: string, options?: GetLocaleOptions) => string
¥Type: (locale: string, path: string, options?: GetLocaleOptions) => string
当 [site
] 有值时,使用此函数检索语言环境的绝对路径。如果未配置 [site
],则该函数返回相对 URL。如果区域设置不存在,Astro 会抛出错误。
¥Use this function to retrieve an absolute path for a locale when [site
] has a value. If [site
] isn’t configured, the function returns a relative URL. If the locale doesn’t exist, Astro throws an error.
---import { getAbsoluteLocaleUrl } from 'astro:i18n';
// If `site` is set to be `https://example.com`
getAbsoluteLocaleUrl("fr");// returns https://example.com/fr
getAbsoluteLocaleUrl("fr", "");// returns https://example.com/fr
getAbsoluteLocaleUrl("fr", "getting-started");// returns https://example.com/fr/getting-started
getAbsoluteLocaleUrl("fr_CA", "getting-started", { prependWith: "blog"});// returns https://example.com/blog/fr-ca/getting-started
getAbsoluteLocaleUrl("fr_CA", "getting-started", { prependWith: "blog", normalizeLocale: false});// returns https://example.com/blog/fr_CA/getting-started---
标题部分 getRelativeLocaleUrlList()类型:(path?: string, options?: GetLocaleOptions) => string[]
¥Type: (path?: string, options?: GetLocaleOptions) => string[]
像 getRelativeLocaleUrl
¥Use this like getRelativeLocaleUrl
to return a list of relative paths for all the locales.
标题部分 getAbsoluteLocaleUrlList()类型:(path?: string, options?: GetLocaleOptions) => string[]
¥Type: (path?: string, options?: GetLocaleOptions) => string[]
像 getAbsoluteLocaleUrl
¥Use this like getAbsoluteLocaleUrl
to return a list of absolute paths for all the locales.
标题部分 getPathByLocale()类型:(locale: string) => string
¥Type: (locale: string) => string
配置 自定义区域设置路径 时返回与一个或多个 codes
关联的 path
¥A function that returns the path
associated to one or more codes
when custom locale paths are configured.
export default defineConfig({ i18n: { locales: ["es", "en", { path: "french", codes: ["fr", "fr-BR", "fr-CA"] }] }})
---import { getPathByLocale } from 'astro:i18n';
getPathByLocale("fr"); // returns "french"getPathByLocale("fr-CA"); // returns "french"---
标题部分 getLocaleByPath()类型:(path: string) => string
¥Type: (path: string) => string
返回与区域设置 path
关联的 code
¥A function that returns the code
associated to a locale path
export default defineConfig({ i18n: { locales: ["es", "en", { path: "french", codes: ["fr", "fr-BR", "fr-CA"] }] }})
---import { getLocaleByPath } from 'astro:i18n';
getLocaleByPath("french"); // returns "fr" because that's the first code configured---
标题部分 redirectToDefaultLocale()类型:(context: APIContext, statusCode?: ValidRedirectStatus) => Promise<Response>
¥Type: (context: APIContext, statusCode?: ValidRedirectStatus) => Promise<Response>
返回重定向到配置的 defaultLocale
的 Response
¥A function that returns a Response
that redirects to the defaultLocale
configured. It accepts an optional valid redirect status code.
import { defineMiddleware } from "astro:middleware";import { redirectToDefaultLocale } from "astro:i18n";
export const onRequest = defineMiddleware((context, next) => { if (context.url.pathname.startsWith("/about")) { return next(); } else { return redirectToDefaultLocale(context, 302); }})
标题部分 redirectToFallback()类型:(context: APIContext, response: Response) => Promise<Response>
¥Type: (context: APIContext, response: Response) => Promise<Response>
允许你在自己的中间件中使用 i18n.fallback
configuration 的函数。
¥A function that allows you to use your i18n.fallback
configuration in your own middleware.
import { defineMiddleware } from "astro:middleware";import { redirectToFallback } from "astro:i18n";
export const onRequest = defineMiddleware(async (context, next) => { const response = await next(); if (response.status >= 300) { return redirectToFallback(context, response) } return response;})
标题部分 notFound()类型:(context: APIContext, response?: Response) => Promise<Response> | undefined
¥Type: (context: APIContext, response?: Response) => Promise<Response> | undefined
在以下情况下,在路由中间件中使用此功能返回 404:
¥Use this function in your routing middleware to return a 404 when:
URL 不包含语言环境
传递 Response
后,此函数发出的新 Response
¥When a Response
is passed, the new Response
emitted by this function will contain the same headers of the original response.
import { defineMiddleware } from "astro:middleware";import { notFound } from "astro:i18n";
export const onRequest = defineMiddleware((context, next) => { const pathNotFound = notFound(context); if (pathNotFound) { return pathNotFound; } return next();})
标题部分 middleware()类型:(options: { prefixDefaultLocale: boolean, redirectToDefaultLocale: boolean }) => MiddlewareHandler
¥Type: (options: { prefixDefaultLocale: boolean, redirectToDefaultLocale: boolean }) => MiddlewareHandler
允许你以编程方式创建 Astro i18n 中间件的函数。
¥A function that allows you to programmatically create the Astro i18n middleware.
当你仍想使用默认的 i18n 逻辑,但只向网站添加一些例外情况时,这很有用。
¥This is useful when you still want to use the default i18n logic, but add only a few exceptions to your website.
import { middleware } from "astro:i18n";import { sequence, defineMiddleware } from "astro:middleware";
const customLogic = defineMiddleware(async (context, next) => { const response = await next();
// Custom logic after resolving the response. // It's possible to catch the response coming from Astro i18n middleware.
return response;});
export const onRequest = sequence(customLogic, middleware({ prefixDefaultLocale: true, redirectToDefaultLocale: false}))
标题部分 requestHasLocale()类型:(context: APIContext) => boolean
¥Type: (context: APIContext) => boolean
检查当前 URL 是否包含配置的语言环境。在内部,此功能将使用 APIContext#url.pathname
¥Checks whether the current URL contains a configured locale. Internally, this function will use APIContext#url.pathname
import { defineMiddleware } from "astro:middleware";import { requestHasLocale } from "astro:i18n";
export const onRequest = defineMiddleware(async (context, next) => { if (requestHasLocale(context)) { return next(); } return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 });})