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图片服务 API

astro:assets 旨在让任何图片优化服务都能轻松地在 Astro 之上构建服务。

¥astro:assets was designed to make it easy for any image optimization service to build a service on top of Astro.

¥What is an Image Service?

Astro 提供两种类型的图片服务:本地和外部。

¥Astro provides two types of image services: Local and External.

  • 本地服务在静态站点构建时直接处理图片转换,或在开发模式和按需渲染的运行时处理图片转换。这些通常是 Sharp、ImageMagick 或 Squoosh 等库的封装。在开发模式和按需渲染的生产路由中,本地服务使用 API 端点进行转换。

  • 外部服务指向 URL,可以添加对 Cloudinary、Vercel 或任何符合 RIAPI 的服务器等服务的支持。

使用图片服务 API 进行构建

标题部分 使用图片服务 API 进行构建

¥Building using the Image Services API

服务定义采用具有各种所需方法 (“hooks”) 的导出默认对象的形式。

¥Service definitions take the shape of an exported default object with various required methods (“hooks”).

外部服务提供指向输出 <img> 标记的 srcgetURL()

¥External services provide a getURL() that points to the src of the output <img> tag.

本地服务提供 transform() 方法来对图片执行转换,以及 getURL()parseURL() 方法,用于在开发模式和按需渲染时使用端点。

¥Local services provide a transform() method to perform transformations on your image, and getURL() and parseURL() methods to use an endpoint for dev mode and when rendered on demand.

两种类型的服务都可以提供 getHTMLAttributes() 来确定输出 <img>validateOptions() 的其他属性,以验证和增强传递的选项。

¥Both types of services can provide getHTMLAttributes() to determine the other attributes of the output <img> and validateOptions() to validate and augment the passed options.

¥External Services

外部服务指向要用作最终 <img> 标记的 src 属性的远程 URL。该远程 URL 负责下载、转换和返回图片。

¥An external service points to a remote URL to be used as the src attribute of the final <img> tag. This remote URL is responsible for downloading, transforming, and returning the image.

import type { ExternalImageService, ImageTransform, AstroConfig } from "astro";
const service: ExternalImageService = {
validateOptions(options: ImageTransform, imageConfig: AstroConfig['image']) {
const serviceConfig = imageConfig.service.config;
// Enforce the user set max width.
if (options.width > serviceConfig.maxWidth) {
console.warn(`Image width ${options.width} exceeds max width ${serviceConfig.maxWidth}. Falling back to max width.`);
options.width = serviceConfig.maxWidth;
return options;
getURL(options, imageConfig) {
return `${options.src}?q=${options.quality}&w=${options.width}&h=${options.height}`;
getHTMLAttributes(options, imageConfig) {
const { src, format, quality, ...attributes } = options;
return {
loading: options.loading ?? 'lazy',
decoding: options.decoding ?? 'async',
export default service;

¥Local Services

要创建你自己的本地服务,你可以指向 内置端点 (/_image),也可以另外创建你自己的可以调用服务方法的端点。

¥To create your own local service, you can point to the built-in endpoint (/_image), or you can additionally create your own endpoint that can call the service’s methods.

import type { LocalImageService, AstroConfig } from "astro";
const service: LocalImageService = {
getURL(options: ImageTransform, imageConfig: AstroConfig['image']) {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
searchParams.append('href', typeof options.src === "string" ? options.src : options.src.src);
options.width && searchParams.append('w', options.width.toString());
options.height && searchParams.append('h', options.height.toString());
options.quality && searchParams.append('q', options.quality.toString());
options.format && searchParams.append('f', options.format);
return `/my_custom_endpoint_that_transforms_images?${searchParams}`;
// Or use the built-in endpoint, which will call your parseURL and transform functions:
// return `/_image?${searchParams}`;
parseURL(url: URL, imageConfig) {
return {
src: params.get('href')!,
width: params.has('w') ? parseInt(params.get('w')!) : undefined,
height: params.has('h') ? parseInt(params.get('h')!) : undefined,
format: params.get('f'),
quality: params.get('q'),
transform(buffer: Uint8Array, options: { src: string, [key: string]: any }, imageConfig): { data: Uint8Array, format: OutputFormat } {
const { buffer } = mySuperLibraryThatEncodesImages(options);
return {
data: buffer,
format: options.format,
getHTMLAttributes(options, imageConfig) {
let targetWidth = options.width;
let targetHeight = options.height;
if (typeof options.src === "object") {
const aspectRatio = options.src.width / options.src.height;
if (targetHeight && !targetWidth) {
targetWidth = Math.round(targetHeight * aspectRatio);
} else if (targetWidth && !targetHeight) {
targetHeight = Math.round(targetWidth / aspectRatio);
const { src, width, height, format, quality, ...attributes } = options;
return {
width: targetWidth,
height: targetHeight,
loading: attributes.loading ?? 'lazy',
decoding: attributes.decoding ?? 'async',
propertiesToHash: ['src', 'width', 'height', 'format', 'quality'],
export default service;

在静态站点和预渲染路由的构建时,<Image />getImage(options) 都会调用 transform() 函数。它们分别通过组件属性或 options 参数传递选项。转换后的图片将构建到 dist/_astro 文件夹中。它们的文件名将包含传递给 propertiesToHash 的属性的哈希值。此属性是可选的,默认为 ['src', 'width', 'height', 'format', 'quality']。如果你的自定义图片服务有更多更改生成图片的选项,请将这些选项添加到数组中。

¥At build time for static sites and pre-rendered routes, both <Image /> and getImage(options) call the transform() function. They pass options either through component attributes or an options argument, respectively. The transformed images will be built to a dist/_astro folder. Their file names will contain a hash of the properties passed to propertiesToHash. This property is optional and will default to ['src', 'width', 'height', 'format', 'quality']. If your custom image service has more options that change the generated images, add these to the array.

在开发模式下,当使用适配器按需渲染时,Astro 无法提前知道哪些图片需要优化。Astro 使用 GET 端点(默认为 /_image)在运行时处理图片。<Image />getImage() 将其选项传递给 getURL(),后者将返回端点 URL。然后,端点调用 parseURL() 并将结果属性传递给 transform()

¥In dev mode and when using an adapter to render on demand, Astro doesn’t know ahead of time which images need to be optimized. Astro uses a GET endpoint (by default, /_image) to process the images at runtime. <Image /> and getImage() pass their options to getURL(), which will return the endpoint URL. Then, the endpoint calls parseURL() and passes the resulting properties to transform().


标题部分 获取配置图片服务和图片配置

¥getConfiguredImageService & imageConfig

如果你将自己的端点实现为 Astro 端点,则可以使用 getConfiguredImageServiceimageConfig 调用服务的 parseURLtransform 方法并提供图片配置。

¥If you implement your own endpoint as an Astro endpoint, you can use getConfiguredImageService and imageConfig to call your service’s parseURL and transform methods and provide the image config.

要访问图片服务配置(image.service.config),你可以使用 imageConfig.service.config

¥To access the image service config (image.service.config), you can use imageConfig.service.config.

import type { APIRoute } from "astro";
import { getConfiguredImageService, imageConfig } from 'astro:assets';
export const GET: APIRoute = async ({ request }) => {
const imageService = await getConfiguredImageService();
const imageTransform = imageService.parseURL(new URL(request.url), imageConfig);
// ... fetch the image from imageTransform.src and store it in inputBuffer
const { data, format } = await imageService.transform(inputBuffer, imageTransform, imageConfig);
return new Response(data, {
status: 200,
headers: {
'Content-Type': mime.getType(format) || ''

查看内置端点 为完整示例。

¥See the built-in endpoint for a full example.



¥Required for local and external services

getURL(options: ImageTransform, imageConfig: AstroConfig['image']): string

对于本地服务,此钩子返回生成图片的端点的 URL(用于按需渲染和开发模式)。在构建期间不使用它。getURL() 指向的本地端点可以同时调用 parseURL()transform()

¥For local services, this hook returns the URL of the endpoint that generates your image (for on-demand rendering and in dev mode). It is unused during build. The local endpoint that getURL() points to may call both parseURL() and transform().

对于外部服务,此钩子返回图片的最终 URL。

¥For external services, this hook returns the final URL of the image.

对于这两种类型的服务,options 是用户作为 <Image /> 组件的属性或作为 getImage() 的选项传递的属性。它们属于以下类型:

¥For both types of services, options are the properties passed by the user as attributes of the <Image /> component or as options to getImage(). They are of the following type:

export type ImageTransform = {
// ESM imported images | remote/public image paths
src: ImageMetadata | string;
width?: number;
height?: number;
widths?: number[] | undefined;
densities?: (number | `${number}x`)[] | undefined;
quality?: ImageQuality;
format?: OutputFormat;
alt?: string;
[key: string]: any;


¥Required for local services; unavailable for external services

parseURL(url: URL, imageConfig: AstroConfig['image']): { src: string, [key: string]: any}

此钩子将 getURL() 生成的 URL 解析回具有不同属性的对象,以供 transform 使用(用于按需渲染和开发模式)。在构建期间不使用它。

¥This hook parses the generated URLs by getURL() back into an object with the different properties to be used by transform (for on-demand rendering and in dev mode). It is unused during build.


¥Required for local services only; unavailable for external services

transform(buffer: Uint8Array, options: { src: string, [key: string]: any }, imageConfig: AstroConfig['image']): { data: Uint8Array, format: OutputFormat }


¥This hook transforms and returns the image and is called during the build to create the final asset files.

你必须返回 format 以确保为用户提供正确的 MIME 类型以进行按需渲染和开发模式。

¥You must return a format to ensure that the proper MIME type is served to users for on-demand rendering and development mode.


¥Optional for both local and external services

getHTMLAttributes(options: ImageTransform, imageConfig: AstroConfig['image']): Record<string, any>

该钩子根据用户传递的参数 (options) 返回用于将图片渲染为 HTML 的所有附加属性。

¥This hook returns all additional attributes used to render the image as HTML, based on the parameters passed by the user (options).

Added in: astro@3.3.0


¥Optional for both local and external services.

getSrcSet?: (options: ImageTransform, imageConfig: AstroConfig['image']): SrcSetValue[] | Promise<SrcSetValue[]>;

该钩子生成指定图片的多个变体,例如,在 <img><picture>source 上生成 srcset 属性。

¥This hook generates multiple variants of the specified image, for example, to generate a srcset attribute on an <img> or <picture>’s source.


¥This hook returns an array of objects with the following properties:

export type SrcSetValue = {
transform: ImageTransform;
descriptor?: string;
attributes?: Record<string, any>;


¥Optional for both local and external services

validateOptions(options: ImageTransform, imageConfig: AstroConfig['image']): ImageTransform


¥This hook allows you to validate and augment the options passed by the user. This is useful for setting default options, or telling the user that a parameter is required.

查看 validateOptions() 如何在 Astro 内置服务中使用

¥See how validateOptions() is used in Astro built-in services.

¥User configuration

配置要在 astro.config.mjs 中使用的图片服务。配置采用以下形式:

¥Configure the image service to use in astro.config.mjs. The config takes the following form:

import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
image: {
service: {
entrypoint: "your-entrypoint", // 'astro/assets/services/sharp' | string,
config: {
// ... service-specific config. Optional.


Astro 公开了许多辅助函数,可用于开发自定义图片服务。可以从 astro/assets/utils 导入这些实用程序:

¥Astro exposes a number of helper functions that can be used to develop a custom image service. These utilities can be imported from astro/assets/utils:

import {
} from "astro/assets/utils";

类型:(src: string, { domains, remotePatterns }: {domains: string[], remotePatterns: RemotePattern[] }): boolean

¥Type: (src: string, { domains, remotePatterns }: {domains: string[], remotePatterns: RemotePattern[] }): boolean

Added in: astro@4.0.0

根据指定的域和远程模式确定是否允许给定的远程资源(由其源 URL 标识)。

¥Determines whether a given remote resource, identified by its source URL, is allowed based on specified domains and remote patterns.

import { isRemoteAllowed } from 'astro/assets/utils';
const testImageURL = '';
const domains = ['', ''];
const remotePatterns = [
{ protocol: 'https', hostname: '', pathname: '/**' }, // Allow any path under this hostname
const url = new URL(testImageURL);
const isAllowed = isRemoteAllowed(url.href, { domains, remotePatterns });
console.log(`Is the remote image allowed? ${isAllowed}`);

类型:(url: URL, hostname?: string, allowWildcard = false): boolean

¥Type: (url: URL, hostname?: string, allowWildcard = false): boolean

Added in: astro@4.0.0

将给定 URL 的主机名与指定的主机名进行匹配,并可选地支持通配符模式。

¥Matches a given URL’s hostname against a specified hostname, with optional support for wildcard patterns.

import { matchHostname } from 'astro/assets/utils';
const testURL = new URL('');
// Example usage of matchHostname
const hostnameToMatch = '';
// Match without wildcard
const isMatchWithoutWildcard = matchHostname(testURL, hostnameToMatch);
console.log(`Does the hostname match without wildcard? ${isMatchWithoutWildcard}`); // Output: false
// Match with wildcard
const isMatchWithWildcard = matchHostname(testURL, hostnameToMatch, true);
console.log(`Does the hostname match with wildcard? ${isMatchWithWildcard}`); // Output: true

类型:(url: URL, pathname?: string, allowWildcard = false): boolean

¥Type: (url: URL, pathname?: string, allowWildcard = false): boolean

Added in: astro@4.0.0

将给定 URL 的路径名与指定模式进行匹配,并可选择支持通配符。

¥Matches a given URL’s pathname against a specified pattern, with optional support for wildcards.

import { matchPathname } from 'astro/assets/utils';
const testURL = new URL('');
// Example pathname to match
const pathnameToMatch = '/images/photo.jpg';
// Match without wildcard
const isMatchWithoutWildcard = matchPathname(testURL, pathnameToMatch);
console.log(`Does the pathname match without wildcard? ${isMatchWithoutWildcard}`); // Output: true
// Match with wildcard
const wildcardPathname = '/images/*';
const isMatchWithWildcard = matchPathname(testURL, wildcardPathname, true);
console.log(`Does the pathname match with wildcard? ${isMatchWithWildcard}`); // Output: true

类型:(url: URL, remotePattern: RemotePattern): boolean

¥Type: (url: URL, remotePattern: RemotePattern): boolean

Added in: astro@4.0.0

根据协议、主机名、端口和路径名评估给定的 URL 是否与指定的远程模式匹配。

¥Evaluates whether a given URL matches the specified remote pattern based on protocol, hostname, port, and pathname.

import { matchPattern } from 'astro/assets/utils';
const testURL = new URL('');
// Define a remote pattern to match the URL
const remotePattern = {
protocol: 'https',
hostname: '',
pathname: '/photos/**', // Wildcard to allow all files under /photos/
port: '', // Optional: Match any port or leave empty for default
// Check if the URL matches the remote pattern
const isPatternMatched = matchPattern(testURL, remotePattern);
console.log(`Does the URL match the remote pattern? ${isPatternMatched}`); // Output: true

类型:(url: URL, port?: string): boolean

¥Type: (url: URL, port?: string): boolean

Added in: astro@4.0.0

检查给定 URL 的端口是否与指定端口匹配。如果没有提供端口,则返回 true

¥Checks if the given URL’s port matches the specified port. If no port is provided, it returns true.

import { matchPort } from 'astro/assets/utils';
const testURL1 = new URL('');
const testURL2 = new URL('');
// Example usage of matchPort
const portToMatch = '8080';
// Match a URL with a port specified
const isPortMatch1 = matchPort(testURL1, portToMatch);
console.log(`Does the port match? ${isPortMatch1}`); // Output: true
// Match a URL without a port specified (default port will be assumed)
const isPortMatch2 = matchPort(testURL2, portToMatch);
console.log(`Does the port match? ${isPortMatch2}`); // Output: false
// Check a URL without explicitly providing a port (defaults to true if port is undefined)
const isPortMatch3 = matchPort(testURL1);
console.log(`Does the port match (no port specified)? ${isPortMatch3}`); // Output: true

类型:(url: URL, protocol?: string): boolean

¥Type: (url: URL, protocol?: string): boolean

Added in: astro@4.0.0

将提供的 URL 的协议与指定的协议进行比较。

¥Compares the protocol of the provided URL with a specified protocol.

import { matchProtocol } from 'astro/assets/utils';
const testURL1 = new URL('');
const testURL2 = new URL('');
// Example usage of matchProtocol
const protocolToMatch = 'https';
// Match a URL with correct protocol
const isProtocolMatch1 = matchProtocol(testURL1, protocolToMatch);
console.log(`Does the protocol match for testURL1? ${isProtocolMatch1}`); // Output: true
// Match a URL with incorrect protocol
const isProtocolMatch2 = matchProtocol(testURL2, protocolToMatch);
console.log(`Does the protocol match for testURL2? ${isProtocolMatch2}`); // Output: false
// Match a URL without explicitly providing a protocol (defaults to true if protocol is undefined)
const isProtocolMatch3 = matchProtocol(testURL1);
console.log(`Does the protocol match (no protocol specified)? ${isProtocolMatch3}`); // Output: true

类型:(src: ImageMetadata | string): boolean

¥Type: (src: ImageMetadata | string): boolean

Added in: astro@4.0.0

确定给定的源是否是 ECMAScript 模块 (ESM) 导入的图片。

¥Determines if the given source is an ECMAScript Module (ESM) imported image.

import { isESMImportedImage } from 'astro/assets/utils';
// Example usage of isESMImportedImage
const imageMetadataExample = {
src: '/images/photo.jpg',
width: 800,
height: 600,
format: 'jpg',
const filePathExample = '/images/photo.jpg';
// Check if the input is an ESM imported image
const isMetadataImage = isESMImportedImage(imageMetadataExample);
console.log(`Is imageMetadataExample an ESM imported image? ${isMetadataImage}`); // Output: true
const isFilePathImage = isESMImportedImage(filePathExample);
console.log(`Is filePathExample an ESM imported image? ${isFilePathImage}`); // Output: false

类型:(src: ImageMetadata | string): boolean

¥Type: (src: ImageMetadata | string): boolean

Added in: astro@4.0.0

确定提供的源是否是字符串形式的远程图片 URL。

¥Determines if the provided source is a remote image URL in the form of a string.

import { isRemoteImage } from 'astro/assets/utils';
// Example usage of isRemoteImage
const remoteImageUrl = '';
const localImageMetadata = {
src: '/images/photo.jpg',
width: 800,
height: 600,
format: 'jpg',
// Check if the input is a remote image URL
const isRemote1 = isRemoteImage(remoteImageUrl);
console.log(`Is remoteImageUrl a remote image? ${isRemote1}`); // Output: true
const isRemote2 = isRemoteImage(localImageMetadata);
console.log(`Is localImageMetadata a remote image? ${isRemote2}`); // Output: false

类型:(src: UnresolvedImageTransform['src']): Promise<string | ImageMetadata>

¥Type: (src: UnresolvedImageTransform['src']): Promise<string | ImageMetadata>

Added in: astro@4.0.0

返回图片源。此函数确保如果 src 是 Promise(例如,动态 import()),则等待它并提取正确的 src。如果 src 已经是已解析的值,则按原样返回。

¥Returns the image source. This function ensures that if src is a Promise (e.g., a dynamic import()), it is awaited and the correct src is extracted. If src is already a resolved value, it is returned as-is.

import { resolveSrc } from 'astro/assets/utils';
import localImage from "./images/photo.jpg";
const resolvedLocal = await resolveSrc(localImage);
// will be `{ src: '/images/photo.jpg', width: 800, height: 600, format: 'jpg' }`
const resolvedRemote = await resolveSrc("");
// will be `""`
const resolvedDynamic = await resolveSrc(import("./images/dynamic-image.jpg"))
// will be `{ src: '/images/dynamic-image.jpg', width: 800, height: 600, format: 'jpg' }`

类型:(data: Uint8Array, src?: string): Promise<Omit<ImageMetadata, 'src' | 'fsPath'>>

¥Type: (data: Uint8Array, src?: string): Promise<Omit<ImageMetadata, 'src' | 'fsPath'>>

Added in: astro@4.0.0


¥Extracts image metadata such as dimensions, format, and orientation from the provided image data.

import { imageMetadata } from 'astro/assets/utils';
async function extractImageMetadata() {
// Example image data (Uint8Array)
const exampleImageData = new Uint8Array([/* ...binary image data... */]);
// Optional source path (useful for debugging or additional metadata context)
const sourcePath = '/images/photo.jpg';
try {
// Extract metadata from the image data
const metadata = await imageMetadata(exampleImageData, sourcePath);
console.log('Extracted Image Metadata:', metadata);
// Example output:
// {
// width: 800,
// height: 600,
// format: 'jpg',
// orientation: undefined
// }
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to extract metadata from image:', error);
await extractImageMetadata();

类型:(id: string | undefined, _watchMode: boolean, experimentalSvgEnabled: boolean, fileEmitter?: FileEmitter): Promise<ImageMetadataWithContents | undefined>

¥Type: (id: string | undefined, _watchMode: boolean, experimentalSvgEnabled: boolean, fileEmitter?: FileEmitter): Promise<ImageMetadataWithContents | undefined>

Added in: astro@4.0.0

处理图片文件并发出其元数据和可选的内容。在构建模式下,该函数使用 fileEmitter 生成资源引用。在开发模式下,它解析为带有元数据查询参数的本地文件 URL。

¥Processes an image file and emits its metadata and optionally its contents. In build mode, the function uses fileEmitter to generate an asset reference. In development mode, it resolves to a local file URL with query parameters for metadata.

import { emitESMImage } from 'astro/assets/utils';
const imageId = '/images/photo.jpg';
const unusedWatchMode = false; // Deprecated, unused
const unusedExperimentalSvgEnabled = false; // Set to `true` only if you are using SVG and want the file data to be embedded
try {
const result = await emitESMImage(imageId, unusedWatchMode, unusedExperimentalSvgEnabled);
if (result) {
console.log('Image metadata with contents:', result);
// Example output:
// {
// width: 800,
// height: 600,
// format: 'jpg',
// contents: Uint8Array([...])
// }
} else {
console.log('No metadata was emitted for this image.');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to emit ESM image:', error);

类型:(params: URLSearchParams): Pick<ImageMetadata, 'width' | 'height' | 'format'> | undefined

¥Type: (params: URLSearchParams): Pick<ImageMetadata, 'width' | 'height' | 'format'> | undefined

Added in: astro@4.0.0

URLSearchParams 对象 中检索图片的 widthheightformat。如果这些参数中的任何一个缺失或无效,该函数将返回 undefined

¥Retrieves the width, height, and format of an image from a URLSearchParams object. If any of these parameters are missing or invalid, the function returns undefined.

import { getOrigQueryParams } from 'astro/assets/utils';
const url = new URL('');
const queryParams = url.searchParams;
// Extract the original query parameters
const origParams = getOrigQueryParams(queryParams);
if (origParams) {
console.log('Original query parameters:', origParams);
// Example output:
// {
// width: 800,
// height: 600,
// format: 'jpg'
// }
} else {
console.log('Failed to extract original query parameters.');

类型:(url: string): Promise<Omit<ImageMetadata, 'src' | 'fsPath'>>

¥Type: (url: string): Promise<Omit<ImageMetadata, 'src' | 'fsPath'>>

Added in: astro@4.0.0


¥Infers the dimensions of a remote image by streaming its data and analyzing it progressively until sufficient metadata is available.

import { inferRemoteSize } from 'astro/assets/utils';
async function getRemoteImageSize() {
const remoteImageUrl = '';
try {
// Infer remote image size from the URL
const imageSize = await inferRemoteSize(remoteImageUrl);
console.log('Inferred remote image size:', imageSize);
// Example output:
// {
// width: 1920,
// height: 1080,
// format: 'jpg'
// }
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to infer the size of the remote image:', error);
await getRemoteImageSize();

类型:(filePath: string, transform: ImageTransform, hash: string): string

¥Type: (filePath: string, transform: ImageTransform, hash: string): string

Added in: astro@4.0.0


¥Generates a formatted filename for an image based on its source path, transformation properties, and a unique hash.


¥The formatted filename follows this structure:


  • prefixDirname:如果图片是 ESM 导入的图片,则这是原始文件路径的目录名称;否则,它将是一个空字符串。

  • baseFilename:文件的基本名称或散列短名称(如果文件是 data: URI)。

  • hash:生成一个唯一的哈希字符串来区分转换后的文件。

  • outputExtension:从 transform.format 或原始文件扩展名派生的所需输出文件扩展名。

import { propsToFilename } from 'astro/assets/utils';
function generateTransformedFilename() {
const filePath = '/images/photo.jpg';
const transform = {
format: 'png',
src: '/images/photo.jpg'
const hash = 'abcd1234';
// Generate the transformed filename based on the file path, transformation, and hash
const filename = propsToFilename(filePath, transform, hash);
console.log('Generated transformed filename:', filename);
// Example output: '/images/photo_abcd1234.png'

类型:(transform: ImageTransform, imageService: string, propertiesToHash: string[]): string

¥Type: (transform: ImageTransform, imageService: string, propertiesToHash: string[]): string

Added in: astro@4.0.0

根据所选属性和指定的 imageService 将提供的 transform 对象转换为哈希字符串。

¥Transforms the provided transform object into a hash string based on selected properties and the specified imageService.

import { hashTransform } from 'astro/assets/utils';
function generateTransformHash() {
const transform = {
width: 800,
height: 600,
format: 'jpg',
const imageService = 'astroImageService';
const propertiesToHash = ['width', 'height', 'format'];
// Generate the hash based on the transform, image service, and properties
const hash = hashTransform(transform, imageService, propertiesToHash);
console.log('Generated transform hash:', hash);
// Example output: 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e'
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