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Astro.clientAddress 在预渲染页面中不可用。

StaticClientAddressNotAvailable:Astro.clientAddress 仅在服务器渲染的页面上可用。

¥StaticClientAddressNotAvailable: Astro.clientAddress is only available on pages that are server-rendered.

¥What went wrong?

仅当启用 服务端渲染 时,Astro.clientAddress 属性才可用。

¥The Astro.clientAddress property is only available when Server-side rendering is enabled.

要在静态模式下获取用户的 IP 地址,可以在 客户端脚本 中使用不同的 API(例如 Ipify),或者也可以使用托管提供商托管的无服务器功能来获取用户的 IP。

¥To get the user’s IP address in static mode, different APIs such as Ipify can be used in a Client-side script or it may be possible to get the user’s IP using a serverless function hosted on your hosting provider.


¥See Also:

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