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缺少有关 client:only 指令的提示。

无客户端唯一提示:无法渲染 COMPONENT_NAME。当使用 client:only 水合策略时,Astro 需要提示才能使用正确的渲染器。

¥NoClientOnlyHint: Unable to render COMPONENT_NAME. When using the client:only hydration strategy, Astro needs a hint to use the correct renderer.

¥What went wrong?

client:only 组件不在服务器上运行,因此 Astro 不知道(也无法猜测)要使用哪个渲染器并需要提示。像这样:

¥client:only components are not run on the server, as such Astro does not know (and cannot guess) which renderer to use and require a hint. Like such:

<SomeReactComponent client:only="react" />


¥See Also:

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