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动态路由所需的 getStaticPaths() 函数。

GetStaticPathsRequired:动态路由需要 getStaticPaths() 功能。确保你从动态路由中 exportgetStaticPaths 功能。

¥GetStaticPathsRequired: getStaticPaths() function is required for dynamic routes. Make sure that you export a getStaticPaths function from your dynamic route.

¥What went wrong?

静态模式 中,所有路由都必须在构建时确定。因此,动态路由必须 exportgetStaticPaths 函数返回不同的路径来生成。

¥In Static Mode, all routes must be determined at build time. As such, dynamic routes must export a getStaticPaths function returning the different paths to generate.


¥See Also:

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