使用 Tailwind Typography 渲染 Markdown 样式
你可以使用 Tailwind 的 Typography 插件来设计来自 Astro 的 内容集合 等来源的渲染 Markdown 样式。
¥You can use Tailwind’s Typography plugin to style rendered Markdown from sources such as Astro’s content collections.
本秘籍将教你如何创建可重用的 Astro 组件,以使用 Tailwind 的实用程序类来设计 Markdown 内容的样式。
¥This recipe will teach you how to create a reusable Astro component to style your Markdown content using Tailwind’s utility classes.
标题部分 先决条件¥Prerequisites
Astro 项目:
¥An Astro project that:
已安装 Astro 的 Tailwind 集成。
使用 Astro 的 内容集合。
设置 @tailwindcss/typography
标题部分 设置 @tailwindcss/typography¥Setting Up @tailwindcss/typography
首先,使用你首选的包管理器安装 @tailwindcss/typography
¥First, install @tailwindcss/typography
using your preferred package manager.
npm install -D @tailwindcss/typography
pnpm add -D @tailwindcss/typography
yarn add --dev @tailwindcss/typography
然后,将该包作为插件添加到 Tailwind 配置文件中。
¥Then, add the package as a plugin in your Tailwind configuration file.
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */export default { theme: { // ... }, plugins: [ require('@tailwindcss/typography'), // ... ],}
标题部分 秘诀¥Recipe
Create a
<Prose />
component to provide a wrapping<div>
with a<slot />
for your rendered Markdown. Add the style classprose
alongside any desired Tailwind element modifiers in the parent element.src/components/Prose.astro ------<divclass="prose dark:prose-invertprose-h1:font-bold prose-h1:text-xlprose-a:text-blue-600 prose-p:text-justify prose-img:rounded-xlprose-headings:underline"><slot /></div> -
Query your collection entry on the page you want to render your Markdown. Pass the
<Content />
component fromawait entry.render()
to<Prose />
as a child to wrap your Markdown content in Tailwind styles.src/pages/index.astro ---import Prose from '../components/Prose.astro';import Layout from '../layouts/Layout.astro';import { getEntry } from 'astro:content';const entry = await getEntry('collection', 'entry');const { Content } = await entry.render();---<Layout><Prose><Content /></Prose></Layout>
标题部分 资源¥Resources