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本地 images 必须导入到 .astro 文件中才能显示。有时你会想要或需要动态导入图片的图片路径,而不是显式导入每个单独的图片。

¥Local images must be imported into .astro files in order to display them. There will be times where you will want or need to dynamically import the image paths of your images instead of explicitly importing each individual image.

在本教程中,你将学习如何使用 Vite 的 import.meta.glob 功能动态导入图片。你将构建一个显示人员名称、年龄和照片的卡片组件。

¥In this recipe, you will learn how to dynamically import your images using Vite’s import.meta.glob function. You will build a card component that displays the name, age, and photo of a person.


  1. Create a new assets folder under the src directory and add your images inside that new folder.

    • Directorysrc/
      • Directoryassets/
        • avatar-1.jpg
        • avatar-2.png
        • avatar-3.jpeg
  2. Create a new Astro component for your card and import the <Image /> component.

    import { Image } from 'astro:assets';
  3. Specify the props that your component will receive in order to display the necessary information on each card. You can optionally define their types, if you are using TypeScript in your project.

    import { Image } from 'astro:assets';
    interface Props {
    imagePath: string;
    altText: string;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    const { imagePath, altText, name, age } = Astro.props;
  4. Create a new images variable and use the import.meta.glob function which returns an object of all of the image paths inside the assets folder. You will also need to import ImageMetadata type to help define the type of the images variable.

    import type { ImageMetadata } from 'astro';
    import { Image } from 'astro:assets';
    interface Props {
    imagePath: string;
    altText: string;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    const { imagePath, altText, name, age } = Astro.props;
    const images = import.meta.glob<{ default: ImageMetadata }>('/src/assets/*.{jpeg,jpg,png,gif}')
  5. Use the props to create the markup for your card component.

    import type { ImageMetadata } from 'astro';
    import { Image } from 'astro:assets';
    interface Props {
    imagePath: string;
    altText: string;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    const { imagePath, altText, name, age } = Astro.props;
    const images = import.meta.glob<{ default: ImageMetadata }>('/src/assets/*.{jpeg,jpg,png,gif}');
    <div class="card">
    <p>Age: {age}</p>
    <Image src={} alt={altText} />
  6. Inside the src attribute, pass in the images object and use bracket notation for the image path. Then make sure to invoke the glob function.

    Since you are accessing the images object which has an unknown type, you should also throw an error in case an invalid file path is passed as a prop.

    import type { ImageMetadata } from 'astro';
    import { Image } from 'astro:assets';
    interface Props {
    imagePath: string;
    altText: string;
    name: string;
    age: number;
    const { imagePath, altText, name, age } = Astro.props;
    const images = import.meta.glob<{ default: ImageMetadata }>('/src/assets/*.{jpeg,jpg,png,gif}');
    if (!images[imagePath]) throw new Error(`"${imagePath}" does not exist in glob: "src/assets/*.{jpeg,jpg,png,gif}"`);
    <div class="card">
    <p>Age: {age}</p>
    <Image src={images[imagePath]()} alt={altText} />
  7. Import and use the card component inside an Astro page, passing in the values for the props.

    import MyCustomCardComponent from '../components/MyCustomCardComponent.astro';
    altText="A headshot of Priya against a brick wall background."
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