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了解 Astro 包的一部分对于提高站点性能非常重要。可视化包可以提供有关可以在项目中进行哪些更改以减小包大小的线索。

¥Understanding what is a part of an Astro bundle is important for improving site performance. Visualizing the bundle can give clues as to where changes can be made in your project to reduce the bundle size.


rollup-plugin-visualizer 允许你可视化和分析你的 Rollup 包,以查看哪些模块占用了空间。

¥The rollup-plugin-visualizer library allows you to visualize and analyze your Rollup bundle to see which modules are taking up space.

  1. Install rollup-plugin-visualizer:

    npm install rollup-plugin-visualizer --save-dev
  2. Add the plugin to the astro.config.mjs file:

    // @ts-check
    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    import { visualizer } from "rollup-plugin-visualizer";
    export default defineConfig({
    vite: {
    plugins: [visualizer({
    emitFile: true,
    filename: "stats.html",
  3. Run the build command:

    npm run build
  4. Find the stats.html file(s) for your project.

    This will be at the root of your dist/ directory for entirely static sites and will allow you to see what is included in the bundle.

    If your Astro project uses on-demand rendering, you will have two stats.html files. One will be for the client, and the other for the server, and each will be located at the root of the dist/client and dist/server/ directories.

    See the Rollup Plugin Visualizer documentation for guidance on how to interpret these files, or configure specific options.

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