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将 DAM 与 Astro 结合使用

准备将无头数字资源管理器 (DAM) 连接到你的 Astro 项目吗?按照我们的指南之一集成托管媒体系统。

¥Ready to connect a headless Digital Asset Manager (DAM) to your Astro project? Follow one of our guides to integrate a hosted media system.

¥Hosted Media Guides


¥Note that many of these pages are stubs: they’re collections of resources waiting for your contribution!

为什么使用 DAM 或托管媒体?

Section titled 为什么使用 DAM 或托管媒体?

¥Why use a DAM or hosted media?

使用 DAM 或数字资源管理器可帮助个人、团队和组织从中心位置管理其图片和视频资源,就像 CMS 一样。

¥Using a DAM, or Digital Asset Manager, helps individuals, teams, and organizations manage their image and video assets from a central location much like a CMS.

不同之处在于所管理的内容类型:DAM 主要管理图片、视频、其他媒体资源(如 3D 模型)以及与这些资源相关的任何元数据。

¥The difference is the type of content being managed: a DAM would primarily manage images, videos, other media assets like 3D models, and any metadata associated with those assets.

这在为多个 Web 或移动属性之间的资源使用单一真实来源时尤其有用。如果你所在的组织需要多个团队使用相同的资源,或者正在集成到其他内容系统(如 PIM(产品信息管理器))以将你的资源连接到产品,那么这一点很重要。

¥This can be useful particularly when using a single source of truth for your assets between multiple web or mobile properties. This is important if you’re part of an organization that requires multiple teams to use the same assets, or are integrating into other content systems like a PIM (Product Information Manager) to connect your assets to products.

哪些托管媒体系统或 DAM 适合 Astro?

Section titled 哪些托管媒体系统或 DAM 适合 Astro?

¥Which hosted media systems or DAMs work well with Astro?

与 CMS 非常相似,因为 Astro 管理内容的渲染,所以你需要使用无头 DAM,它允许你通过 API 或 SDK 获取资源并与之交互。

¥Much like a CMS, because Astro manages the presentation of your content, you’ll want to use a headless DAM, that allows you to fetch and interact with your assets via an API or SDK.

一些无头 DAM(如 Cloudinary)提供了 Astro integration,可让你轻松获取资源并将其显示在你的网站或应用上。

¥Some headless DAMs, like Cloudinary, provide an Astro integration that allows you to easily fetch your assets as well as display them on your website or app.

我可以在不使用托管媒体系统或 DAM 的情况下使用 Astro 吗?

Section titled 我可以在不使用托管媒体系统或 DAM 的情况下使用 Astro 吗?

¥Can I use Astro without a hosted media system or DAM?

是的!Astro 为 存储图片 提供了内置方法,包括对引用远程图片的支持。

¥Yes! Astro provides built-in ways to store images, including support for referencing remote images.

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