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将 Astro 站点部署到 GitLab Pages

你可以使用 GitLab 页面 为你的 GitLab 项目、组或用户账户托管 Astro 站点。

¥You can use GitLab Pages to host an Astro site for your GitLab projects, groups, or user account.

¥How to deploy

你可以使用 GitLab CI/CD 自动构建和部署站点,将 Astro 站点部署到 GitLab Pages。为此,你的源代码必须托管在 GitLab 上,并且你需要对你的 Astro 项目进行以下更改:

¥You can deploy an Astro site to GitLab Pages by using GitLab CI/CD to automatically build and deploy your site. To do this, your source code must be hosted on GitLab and you need to make the following changes to your Astro project:

  1. Set up site and base options in astro.config.mjs.

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    site: 'https://<username>',
    base: '/<my-repo>',
    outDir: 'public',
    publicDir: 'static',


    The value for site must be one of the following:

    • The following URL based on your username: https://<username>
    • The following URL based on your group name: https://<groupname>
    • Your custom domain if you have it configured in your Gitlab project’s settings:

    For GitLab self-managed instances, replace with your instance’s Pages domain.


    A value for base may be required so that Astro will treat your repository name (e.g. /my-repo) as the root of your website.

    The value for base should be your repository’s name starting with a forward slash, for example /my-blog. This is so that Astro understands your website’s root is /my-repo, rather than the default /.

  2. Rename the public/ directory to static/.

  3. Set outDir: 'public' in astro.config.mjs. This setting instructs Astro to put the static build output in a folder called public, which is the folder required by GitLab Pages for exposed files.

    If you were using the public/ directory as a source of static files in your Astro project, rename it and use that new folder name in astro.config.mjs for the value of publicDir.

    For example, here are the correct astro.config.mjs settings when the public/ directory is renamed to static/:

    import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
    export default defineConfig({
    outDir: 'public',
    publicDir: 'static',
  4. Change the build output in .gitignore. In our example we need to change dist/ to public/:

    # build output
  5. Create a file called .gitlab-ci.yml in the root of your project with the content below. This will build and deploy your site whenever you make changes to your content:

    # The Docker image that will be used to build your app
    image: node:lts
    - npm ci
    # Specify the steps involved to build your app here
    - npm run build
    # The folder that contains the built files to be published.
    # This must be called "public".
    - public
    # Trigger a new build and deploy only when there is a push to the
    # branch(es) below
    - main
  6. Commit your changes and push them to GitLab.

  7. On Gitlab, go to your repository’s Deploy menu and select Pages. Here you will see the full URL of your GitLab Pages website. To make sure you are using the URL format, uncheck the Use unique domain setting on this page.

你的网站现在应该可以发布了!当你将更改推送到 Astro 项目的存储库时,GitLab CI/CD 管道将自动为你部署它们。

¥Your site should now be published! When you push changes to your Astro project’s repository, the GitLab CI/CD pipeline will automatically deploy them for you.

More Deployment Guides

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