Strapi 和 Astro
Strapi 是一个开源、可定制、无头 CMS。
¥Strapi is an open-source, customizable, headless CMS.
与 Astro 集成
标题部分 与 Astro 集成¥Integrating with Astro
本指南将构建一个封装函数来连接 Strapi 和 Astro。
¥This guide will build a wrapper function to connect Strapi with Astro.
标题部分 先决条件¥Prerequisites
¥To get started, you will need to have the following:
- Astro 项目 - 如果你还没有 Astro 项目,我们的 安装指南 将立即帮助你启动并运行。
- Strapi CMS 服务器 - 你可以 在本地环境中设置 Strapi 服务器。
在 .env
中添加 Strapi URL
标题部分 在 .env 中添加 Strapi URL¥Adding the Strapi URL in .env
要将 Strapi URL 添加到 Astro,请在项目的根目录中创建一个 .env
¥To add your Strapi URL to Astro, create a .env
file in the root of your project (if one does not already exist) and add the following variable:
STRAPI_URL="" # or use your IP address
重新启动开发服务器以在你的 Astro 项目中使用此环境变量。
¥Restart the dev server to use this environment variable in your Astro project.
如果你希望环境变量具有 IntelliSense,你可以在 src/
目录中创建一个 env.d.ts
文件并配置 ImportMetaEnv
¥If you would like to have IntelliSense for your environment variable, you can create a env.d.ts
file in the src/
directory and configure ImportMetaEnv
like this:
interface ImportMetaEnv { readonly STRAPI_URL: string;}
¥Your root directory should now include the new file(s):
- env.d.ts
- .env
- astro.config.mjs
- package.json
创建 API 封装器
标题部分 创建 API 封装器¥Creating the API wrapper
在 src/lib/strapi.ts
创建一个新文件并添加以下封装函数以与 Strapi API 交互:
¥Create a new file at src/lib/strapi.ts
and add the following wrapper function to interact with the Strapi API:
interface Props { endpoint: string; query?: Record<string, string>; wrappedByKey?: string; wrappedByList?: boolean;}
* Fetches data from the Strapi API
* @param endpoint - The endpoint to fetch from
* @param query - The query parameters to add to the url
* @param wrappedByKey - The key to unwrap the response from
* @param wrappedByList - If the response is a list, unwrap it
* @returns */export default async function fetchApi<T>({ endpoint, query, wrappedByKey, wrappedByList,}: Props): Promise<T> { if (endpoint.startsWith('/')) { endpoint = endpoint.slice(1); }
const url = new URL(`${import.meta.env.STRAPI_URL}/api/${endpoint}`);
if (query) { Object.entries(query).forEach(([key, value]) => { url.searchParams.append(key, value); }); } const res = await fetch(url.toString()); let data = await res.json();
if (wrappedByKey) { data = data[wrappedByKey]; }
if (wrappedByList) { data = data[0]; }
return data as T;}
¥This function requires an object with the following properties:
- 你正在获取的端点。query
- 添加到 URL 末尾的查询参数wrappedByKey
- 封装Response
- “unwrap” 的参数是 Strapi 返回的列表,并且仅返回第一项。
标题部分 可选的:创建文章界面¥Optional: Creating the Article interface
如果你使用 TypeScript,请创建以下 Article 接口以对应于 src/interfaces/article.ts
处的 Strapi 内容类型:
¥If you are using TypeScript, create the following Article interface to correspond to the Strapi content types at src/interfaces/article.ts
export default interface Article { id: number; attributes: { title: string; description: string; content: string; slug: string; createdAt: string; updatedAt: string; publishedAt: string; };}
- article.ts
- strapi.ts
- env.d.ts
- .env
- astro.config.mjs
- package.json
标题部分 显示文章列表¥Displaying a list of articles
Update your home page
to display a list of blog posts, each with a description and a link to its own page. -
Import the wrapper function and the interface. Add the following API call to fetch your articles and return a list:
src/pages/index.astro ---import fetchApi from '../lib/strapi';import type Article from '../interfaces/article';const articles = await fetchApi<Article[]>({endpoint: 'articles', // the content type to fetchwrappedByKey: 'data', // the key to unwrap the response});---The API call requests data from
and returnsarticles
: an array of json objects representing your data:[{id: 1,attributes: {title: "What's inside a Black Hole",description: "Maybe the answer is in this article, or not...",content: "Well, we don't know yet...",slug: "what-s-inside-a-black-hole",createdAt: "2023-05-28T13:19:46.421Z",updatedAt: "2023-05-28T13:19:46.421Z",publishedAt: "2023-05-28T13:19:45.826Z"}},// ...] -
Using data from the
array returned by the API, display your Strapi blog posts in a list. These posts will link to their own individual pages, which you will create in the next step.src/pages/index.astro ---import fetchApi from '../lib/strapi';import type Article from '../interfaces/article';const articles = await fetchApi<Article[]>({endpoint: 'articles?populate=image',wrappedByKey: 'data',});---<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><title>Strapi & Astro</title></head><body><main><ul>{ => (<li><a href={`/blog/${article.attributes.slug}/`}>{article.attributes.title}</a></li>))}</ul></main></body></html>
标题部分 生成文章页面¥Generating article pages
为每篇文章创建文件 src/pages/blog/[slug].astro
到 动态生成页面。
¥Create the file src/pages/blog/[slug].astro
to dynamically generate a page for each article.
- article.ts
- strapi.ts
- index.astro
- [slug].astro
- env.d.ts
- .env
- astro.config.mjs
- package.json
标题部分 静态站点生成¥Static site generation
在 Astro 的默认静态模式 (SSG) 中,使用 getStaticPaths()
从 Strapi 获取文章列表。
¥In Astro’s default static mode (SSG), use getStaticPaths()
to fetch your list of articles from Strapi.
---import fetchApi from '../../lib/strapi';import type Article from '../../interfaces/article';
export async function getStaticPaths() { const articles = await fetchApi<Article[]>({ endpoint: 'articles', wrappedByKey: 'data', });
return => ({ params: { slug: article.attributes.slug }, props: article, }));}type Props = Article;
const article = Astro.props;---
¥Create the template for each page using the properties of each post object.
---import fetchApi from '../../lib/strapi';import type Article from '../../interfaces/article';
export async function getStaticPaths() { const articles = await fetchApi<Article[]>({ endpoint: 'articles', wrappedByKey: 'data', });
return => ({ params: { slug: article.attributes.slug }, props: article, }));}type Props = Article;
const article = Astro.props;---
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <title>{article.attributes.title}</title> </head>
<body> <main> <img src={import.meta.env.STRAPI_URL +} />
<!-- Render plain text --> <p>{article.attributes.content}</p> <!-- Render markdown --> <MyMarkdownComponent> {article.attributes.content} </MyMarkdownComponent> <!-- Render html --> <Fragment set:html={article.attributes.content} /> </main> </body></html>
标题部分 按需渲染¥On-demand rendering
如果你使用以下代码 选择使用适配器进行按需渲染、生成你的动态路由:
¥If you’ve opted into on-demand rendering with an adapter, generate your dynamic routes using the following code:
创建 src/pages/blog/[slug].astro
¥Create the src/pages/blog/[slug].astro
---import fetchApi from '../../../lib/strapi';import type Article from '../../../interfaces/article';
const { slug } = Astro.params;
let article: Article;
try { article = await fetchApi<Article>({ endpoint: 'articles', wrappedByKey: 'data', wrappedByList: true, query: { 'filters[slug][$eq]': slug || '', }, });} catch (error) { return Astro.redirect('/404');}---
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <title>{article.attributes.title}</title> </head>
<body> <main> <img src={import.meta.env.STRAPI_URL +} />
<!-- Render plain text --> <p>{article.attributes.content}</p> <!-- Render markdown --> <MyMarkdownComponent> {article.attributes.content} </MyMarkdownComponent> <!-- Render html --> <Fragment set:html={article.attributes.content} /> </main> </body></html>
该文件将从 Strapi 获取并渲染与动态 slug
¥This file will fetch and render the page data from Strapi that matches the dynamic slug
由于你使用的是重定向到 /404
,因此在 src/pages
中创建 404 页面:
¥Since you are using a redirect to /404
, create a 404 page in src/pages
<html lang="en"> <head> <title>Not found</title> </head> <body> <p>Sorry, this page does not exist.</p> <img src="" /> </body></html>
如果没有找到该文章,用户将被重定向到这个 404 页面,并受到一只可爱的猫的欢迎。
¥If the article is not found, the user will be redirected to this 404 page and be greeted by a lovely cat.
标题部分 发布你的网站¥Publishing your site
要部署你的网站,请访问我们的 部署指南 并按照你首选托管提供商的说明进行操作。
¥To deploy your website, visit our deployment guides and follow the instructions for your preferred hosting provider.
标题部分 根据更改进行重建¥Rebuild on changes
如果你的项目使用 Astro 的默认静态模式,则需要设置一个 Webhook 以在内容更改时触发新的构建。如果你使用 Netlify 或 Vercel 作为托管提供商,则可以使用其 Webhook 功能触发 Strapi 的新构建。
¥If your project is using Astro’s default static mode, you will need to set up a webhook to trigger a new build when your content changes. If you are using Netlify or Vercel as your hosting provider, you can use its webhook feature to trigger a new build from Strapi.
标题部分 Netlify要在 Netlify 中设置 Webhook:
¥To set up a webhook in Netlify:
Go to your site dashboard and click on Build & deploy.
Under the Continuous Deployment tab, find the Build hooks section and click on Add build hook.
Provide a name for your webhook and select the branch you want to trigger the build on. Click on Save and copy the generated URL.
标题部分 Vercel要在 Vercel 中设置 Webhook:
¥To set up a webhook in Vercel:
Go to your project dashboard and click on Settings.
Under the Git tab, find the Deploy Hooks section.
Provide a name for your webhook and the branch you want to trigger the build on. Click Add and copy the generated URL.
向 Strapi 添加 Webhook
标题部分 向 Strapi 添加 Webhook¥Adding a webhook to Strapi
按照 Strapi webhooks 指南 在 Strapi 管理面板中创建 Webhook。
¥Follow the Strapi webhooks guide to create a webhook in your Strapi admin panel.
标题部分 官方资源¥Official Resources
- Strapi 的 Strapi 博客 React 指南