Flotiq 和 Astro
Flotiq 是一个无头 CMS,专为各种前端设计,例如静态站点、移动和 Web 应用。开发者和内容创建者通过 REST 和基于 GraphQL 的 API 管理和交付内容。
¥Flotiq is a headless CMS designed for various frontends, such as static sites, mobile, and web applications. Developers and content creators manage and deliver content through REST and GraphQL-based APIs.
与 Astro 集成
标题部分 与 Astro 集成¥Integrating with Astro
本指南将使用 Flotiq 无头 CMS API 和 Astro 项目在你的网站上显示内容。
¥This guide will use the Flotiq headless CMS API with an Astro project to display content on your website.
标题部分 先决条件¥Prerequisites
¥To get started, you will need:
- Astro 项目 - 你可以使用
npm create astro@latest
命令创建一个新项目。 - Flotiq 账户 - 如果你没有账户,免费注册。
- Flotiq 只读 API 密钥 - 找出 如何获取密钥。
标题部分 设置环境变量¥Setting up the Environment variables
将你 Flotiq 账户中的只读 API 密钥添加到 Astro 项目根目录中的 .env
¥Add the read-only API key from your Flotiq account to the .env
file in the root of your Astro project:
在 Flotiq 中定义内容类型
标题部分 在 Flotiq 中定义内容类型¥Defining a Content Type in Flotiq
首先,你需要在 Flotiq 中定义一个示例 内容类型定义 来存储数据。
¥First, you need to define an example Content Type Definition in Flotiq to store data.
登录你的 Flotiq 账户并使用以下示例 Blog Post
¥Log in to your Flotiq account and create a custom Content Type Definition with the following example Blog Post
API 名称:blogpost
然后,使用此 Blog Post
类型创建一个或多个示例 内容对象。
¥Then, create one or more example Content Objects using this Blog Post
安装 Flotiq TypeScript SDK
标题部分 安装 Flotiq TypeScript SDK¥Installing the Flotiq TypeScript SDK
要将你的项目与 Flotiq 连接,请使用你选择的包管理器安装 Flotiq SDK:
¥To connect your project with Flotiq, install the Flotiq SDK using the package manager of your choice:
npm install flotiq-api-ts
pnpm add flotiq-api-ts
yarn add flotiq-api-ts
接下来,使用你的凭据配置 SDK。在项目的 src/lib
目录中创建一个名为 flotiq.ts
¥Next, configure the SDK using your credentials. Create a new file named flotiq.ts
inside the src/lib
directory of your project:
import { FlotiqApi } from "flotiq-api-ts";
export const flotiq = new FlotiqApi(import.meta.env.FLOTIQ_API_KEY);
¥This configuration can now be used throughout your project.
从 Flotiq 获取和显示数据
标题部分 从 Flotiq 获取和显示数据¥Fetching and Displaying Data from Flotiq
Fetch the
Blog Post
data on an Astro page using your content’s custom APIBlogpostAPI
:src/pages/index.astro ---import { flotiq } from "../lib/flotiq";const posts = await flotiq.BlogpostAPI.list();--- -
Display the content in your Astro template. You will have access to the
, andcontent
of your posts as well as otherinternal
post data:src/pages/index.astro ---import { flotiq } from "../lib/flotiq";const posts = await flotiq.BlogpostAPI.list();---<html lang="en"><head><title>Astro</title></head><body>{posts.data?.map((post) => (<section><a href={`/posts/${post.slug}`}><h2>{post.title}</h2></a><div>{post.internal?.createdAt}</div><div set:html={post.content}/></section>))}</body></html> -
Start the dev server and visit your page preview at
to see the list of your blog posts. Each post will link to a page that does not yet exist. These will be created in the next step.
标题部分 生成单个页面¥Generating Individual Pages
Astro 支持提前预渲染所有页面,或在请求时按需创建路由。按照 静态站点生成 或 按需渲染 的说明为你的博客文章构建页面路由。
¥Astro supports both prerendering all your pages ahead of time, or creating routes on demand when they are requested. Follow the instructions for either static site generation or on-demand rendering to build the page routes for your blog posts.
标题部分 静态站点生成¥Static Site Generation
在静态站点生成 (SSG) 模式下,使用 getStaticPaths()
方法从 Flotiq 获取所有可能的博客文章路径。
¥In static site generation (SSG) mode, use the getStaticPaths()
method to fetch all possible blog post paths from Flotiq.
Create a new file
in the/src/pages/posts/
directory. Fetch all blog posts and return them within thegetStaticPaths()
method:src/pages/posts/[slug].astro ---import type { Blogpost } from "flotiq-api-ts";import { flotiq } from "../../lib/flotiq";export async function getStaticPaths() {const posts = await flotiq.BlogpostAPI.list();return posts.data?.map((post) => ({params: { slug: post.slug },props: post})) || []}--- -
Add the templating to display an individual post:
src/pages/posts/[slug].astro ---import type { Blogpost } from "flotiq-api-ts";import { flotiq } from "../../lib/flotiq";export async function getStaticPaths() {const posts = await flotiq.BlogpostAPI.list();return posts.data?.map((post) => ({params: { slug: post.slug },props: post})) || []}const post: Blogpost = Astro.props;---<html lang="en"><title>{post.title}</title><body><h1>{post.title}</h1><div set:html={post.content}/></body></html> -
and click on a linked blog post in your list. You will now be able to navigate to the individual post’s page.
标题部分 按需渲染¥On-demand Rendering
如果你使用 SSR 模式,则需要根据其 slug
¥If you are using SSR mode, you will need to fetch a single post based on its slug
Create a new file
in the/src/pages/posts/
directory. Fetch the post by itsslug
field, including logic to display a 404 page when the route is not found:src/pages/posts/[slug].astro ---import type { Blogpost } from "flotiq-api-ts";import { flotiq } from "../../lib/flotiq";const { slug } = Astro.params;let post: Blogpost;const blogpostList = await flotiq.BlogpostAPI.list({filters: JSON.stringify({slug: {type: 'equals',filter: slug,}}),limit: 1});if (blogpostList.data?.[0]) {post = blogpostList.data[0]} else {return Astro.redirect('/404');}--- -
Add the templating to display an individual post:
src/pages/posts/[slug].astro ---import type { Blogpost } from "flotiq-api-ts";import { flotiq } from "../../lib/flotiq";const { slug } = Astro.params;let post: Blogpost;const blogpostList = await flotiq.BlogpostAPI.list({filters: JSON.stringify({slug: {type: 'equals',filter: slug,}}),limit: 1});if (blogpostList.data?.[0]) {post = blogpostList.data[0]} else {return Astro.redirect('/404');}---<html lang="en"><title>{post.title}</title><body><h1>{post.title}</h1><div set:html={post.content}/></body></html> -
and click on a linked blog post in your list. You will now be able to navigate to the individual post’s page.
内容类型更改后刷新 SDK
标题部分 内容类型更改后刷新 SDK¥Refreshing the SDK After Content Type Changes
使用 Flotiq TypeScript SDK(flotiq-api-ts
)时,你的所有数据类型都会准确映射到 Astro 项目中。
¥When using the Flotiq TypeScript SDK (flotiq-api-ts
), all your data types are accurately mapped into the Astro project.
如果你对内容类型的结构进行了更改(例如添加新字段或修改现有字段),则需要刷新 SDK 以确保你的项目反映最新的模型更新。
¥If you make changes to the structure of your content types (such as adding a new field or modifying an existing one), you’ll need to refresh the SDK to ensure that your project reflects the latest model updates.
¥To do this, run the rebuild command for your package manager:
npm rebuild flotiq-api-ts
pnpm rebuild flotiq-api-ts
yarn rebuild flotiq-api-ts// for yarn v1 (Classic):// yarn add flotiq-api-ts
这将更新 SDK,使对象类型、字段和 API 方法与你当前的数据模型保持一致。
¥This will update the SDK, aligning object types, fields, and API methods with your current data model.
标题部分 发布你的网站¥Publishing Your Site
要部署你的网站,请访问 Astro 的 部署指南 并按照你首选的托管服务提供商的说明进行操作。
¥To deploy your website, visit Astro’s deployment guides and follow the instructions for your preferred hosting provider.
在 Flotiq 上重新部署更改
标题部分 在 Flotiq 上重新部署更改¥Redeploy on Flotiq Changes
要更新你发布的网站,请配置 Flotiq 以在你的内容发生更改时向你的托管提供商发送 webhook 以触发重建。
¥To update your published site, configure Flotiq to send a webhook your hosting provider to trigger a rebuild whenever your content changes.
在 Flotiq 中,你可以定义它应触发的内容类型和事件,并进行相应的配置。有关详细信息,请参阅 Flotiq Webhooks 文档。
¥In Flotiq, you can define which Content Type and events it should trigger on, and configure it accordingly. See the Flotiq Webhooks documentation for more details.
标题部分 官方资源¥Official Resources