一旦你拥有 Astro 项目,你就可以使用 Astro 进行构建了!🚀
¥Once you have an Astro project, now you’re ready to build with Astro! 🚀
标题部分 编辑你的项目¥Edit your project
¥To make changes to your project, open your project folder in your code editor. Working in development mode with the dev server running allows you to see updates to your site as you edit the code.
你还可以配置 TypeScript 或安装官方 Astro 编辑器扩展等 自定义开发环境的各个方面。
¥You can also customize aspects of your development environment such as configuring TypeScript or installing the official Astro editor extensions.
启动 Astro 开发服务器
标题部分 启动 Astro 开发服务器¥Start the Astro dev server
Astro 配备了内置开发服务器,其中包含项目开发所需的一切。astro dev
CLI 命令将启动本地开发服务器,以便你可以第一次看到新网站的运行情况。
¥Astro comes with a built-in development server that has everything you need for project development. The astro dev
CLI command will start the local development server so that you can see your new website in action for the very first time.
每个入门模板都附带一个预配置的脚本,将为你运行 astro dev
。导航到你的项目目录后,使用你最喜欢的包管理器运行此命令并启动 Astro 开发服务器。
¥Every starter template comes with a pre-configured script that will run astro dev
for you. After navigating into your project directory, use your favorite package manager to run this command and start the Astro development server.
npm run dev
pnpm run dev
yarn run dev
如果一切顺利,Astro 现在将在 http://localhost:4321/ 上为你的项目提供服务。访问浏览器中的该链接并查看你的新网站!
¥If all goes well, Astro will now be serving your project on http://localhost:4321/. Visit that link in your browser and see your new site!
标题部分 在开发模式下工作¥Work in development mode
Astro 将监听 src/
¥Astro will listen for live file changes in your src/
directory and update your site preview as you build, so you will not need to restart the server as you make changes during development. You will always be able to see an up-to-date version of your site in your browser when the dev server is running.
在浏览器中查看你的网站时,你将可以访问 Astro 开发工具栏。在你构建时,它将帮助你检查 islands、发现可访问性问题等。
¥When viewing your site in the browser, you’ll have access to the Astro dev toolbar. As you build, it will help you inspect your islands, spot accessibility issues, and more.
如果启动开发服务器后无法在浏览器中打开项目,请返回运行 dev
命令的终端并检查显示的消息。它应该告诉你是否发生了错误,或者你的项目是否在与 http://localhost:4321/ 不同的 URL 上提供服务。
¥If you aren’t able to open your project in the browser after starting the dev server, go back to the terminal where you ran the dev
command and check the message displayed. It should tell you if an error occurred, or if your project is being served at a different URL than http://localhost:4321/.
标题部分 构建和预览你的网站¥Build and preview your site
要检查将在构建时创建的站点版本,请退出开发服务器 (Ctrl + C) 并在终端中为你的包管理器运行适当的构建命令:
¥To check the version of your site that will be created at build time, quit the dev server (Ctrl + C) and run the appropriate build command for your package manager in your terminal:
npm run build
pnpm build
yarn run build
Astro 将在单独的文件夹(默认为 dist/
)中构建可部署的站点版本,你可以在终端中查看其进度。这将在你部署到生产之前提醒你项目中的任何构建错误。如果 TypeScript 配置为 strict
或 strictest
¥Astro will build a deploy-ready version of your site in a separate folder (dist/
by default) and you can watch its progress in the terminal. This will alert you to any build errors in your project before you deploy to production. If TypeScript is configured to strict
or strictest
, the build
script will also check your project for type errors.
构建完成后,在你的终端中运行适当的 preview
命令(例如 npm run preview
¥When the build is finished, run the appropriate preview
command (e.g. npm run preview
) in your terminal and you can view the built version of your site locally in the same browser preview window.
¥Note that this previews your code as it existed when the build command was last run. This is meant to give you a preview of how your site will look when it is deployed to the web. Any later changes you make to your code after building will not be reflected while you preview your site until you run the build command again.
使用(Ctrl + C)退出预览并运行另一个终端命令,例如重新启动开发服务器以返回到 在开发模式下工作,它会在你编辑时更新以显示代码更改的实时预览。
¥Use (Ctrl + C) to quit the preview and run another terminal command, such as restarting the dev server to go back to working in development mode which does update as you edit to show a live preview of your code changes.
标题部分 下一步¥Next Steps
成功!现在你已准备好开始使用 Astro 进行构建!🥳
¥Success! You are now ready to start building with Astro! 🥳
以下是我们建议接下来探索的一些内容。你可以按任何顺序阅读它们。你甚至可以暂时离开我们的文档,然后去玩新的 Astro 项目代码库,每当你遇到麻烦或有疑问时就回到这里。
¥Here are a few things that we recommend exploring next. You can read them in any order. You can even leave our documentation for a bit and go play in your new Astro project codebase, coming back here whenever you run into trouble or have a question.
标题部分 配置你的开发环境¥Configure your dev environment
¥Explore the guides below to customize your development experience.
探索 Astro 的功能
标题部分 探索 Astro 的功能¥Explore Astro’s Features
标题部分 参加入门教程¥Take the introductory tutorial
从我们的 入门教程 中的一个空白页开始构建一个功能齐全的 Astro 博客。
¥Build a fully functional Astro blog starting from a single blank page in our introductory tutorial.
这是了解 Astro 工作原理的好方法,并引导你了解页面、布局、组件、路由、群岛等的基础知识。它还包括一个可选的、适合初学者的单元,适合那些对一般 Web 开发概念较新的人,它将指导你在计算机上安装必要的应用、创建 GitHub 账户以及部署你的网站。
¥This is a great way to see how Astro works and walks you through the basics of pages, layouts, components, routing, islands, and more. It also includes an optional, beginner-friendly unit for those newer to web development concepts in general, which will guide you through installing the necessary applications on your computer, creating a GitHub account, and deploying your site.