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还有更多可以帮助你学习和使用 Astro 构建的内容!以下是 Astro 社区制作和维护的一些教育内容。

¥There is so much more out there that can help you learn and build with Astro! Here is some educational content produced and maintained by the Astro community.

所有链接都是外部的,可能基于 Astro 的早期版本。请务必检查任何社区内容的日期,并相应地调整你的项目。

¥All links are external, and may be based on earlier versions of Astro. Be sure to check the date on any community content, and adapt to your project accordingly.

如需更多 Astro 教育内容,请查看 Astro 博客 或注册 Astro 官方通讯,我们将在其中回顾每个月的最佳社区内容。

¥For more Astro educational content, check out the Astro Blog or sign up for the official Astro newsletter where we recap the best community content of each month.

¥Courses and Tutorials

课程和教程专注于教你新概念,通常包含练习或示例项目。这些是学习新概念的好方法,并为你提供处理自己的 Astro 项目所需的工具。

¥Courses and tutorials are focused on teaching you new concepts, often with exercises or sample projects to build. These are a great way to learn new concepts and give you the tools you need for working on your own Astro project.

查看以下课程和教程以了解有关 Astro 的更多信息。

¥Check out the following courses and tutorials to learn more about Astro.

¥Introductory Tutorials

¥Video Tutorials

¥Recipes and Guides

请参阅向 Astro 项目添加功能的指导示例。

¥See guided examples of adding features to your Astro project.

¥Official Recipes

Astro 的官方秘诀是简短、重点突出的操作指南,可引导读者完成特定任务的工作示例。通过遵循分步说明,秘诀是向你的 Astro 项目添加新功能或行为的好方法!

¥Astro’s official recipes are short, focused how-to guides that walk a reader through completing a working example of a specific task. Recipes are a great way to add new features or behavior to your Astro project by following step-by-step instructions!



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