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Astro 语法

如果你了解 HTML,那么你就已经足够编写你的第一个 Astro 组件了。

¥If you know HTML, you already know enough to write your first Astro component.

Astro 组件语法是 HTML 的超集。语法为 旨在让任何有编写 HTML 或 JSX 经验的人感到熟悉,并添加了对包含组件和 JavaScript 表达式的支持。

¥Astro component syntax is a superset of HTML. The syntax was designed to feel familiar to anyone with experience writing HTML or JSX, and adds support for including components and JavaScript expressions.

¥JSX-like Expressions

你可以在 Astro 组件的两个代码围栏 (---) 之间的 frontmatter 组件脚本内部定义本地 JavaScript 变量。然后,你可以使用类似 JSX 的表达式将这些变量注入到组件的 HTML 模板中!

¥You can define local JavaScript variables inside of the frontmatter component script between the two code fences (---) of an Astro component. You can then inject these variables into the component’s HTML template using JSX-like expressions!


可以使用大括号语法将局部变量添加到 HTML 中:

¥Local variables can be added into the HTML using the curly braces syntax:

const name = "Astro";
<h1>Hello {name}!</h1> <!-- Outputs <h1>Hello Astro!</h1> -->

¥Dynamic Attributes

局部变量可以用在大括号中来将属性值传递给 HTML 元素和组件:

¥Local variables can be used in curly braces to pass attribute values to both HTML elements and components:

const name = "Astro";
<h1 class={name}>Attribute expressions are supported</h1>
<MyComponent templateLiteralNameAttribute={`MyNameIs${name}`} />

¥Dynamic HTML

局部变量可以在类似 JSX 的函数中使用来生成动态生成的 HTML 元素:

¥Local variables can be used in JSX-like functions to produce dynamically-generated HTML elements:

const items = ["Dog", "Cat", "Platypus"];
{ => (

Astro 可以使用 JSX 逻辑运算符和三元表达式有条件地显示 HTML。

¥Astro can conditionally display HTML using JSX logical operators and ternary expressions.

const visible = true;
{visible && <p>Show me!</p>}
{visible ? <p>Show me!</p> : <p>Else show me!</p>}

¥Dynamic Tags

你还可以通过将 HTML 标签名称分配给变量或使用组件导入重新分配来使用动态标签:

¥You can also use dynamic tags by assigning an HTML tag name to a variable or with a component import reassignment:

import MyComponent from "./MyComponent.astro";
const Element = 'div'
const Component = MyComponent;
<Element>Hello!</Element> <!-- renders as <div>Hello!</div> -->
<Component /> <!-- renders as <MyComponent /> -->


¥When using dynamic tags:

  • 变量名必须大写。例如,使用 Element,而不是 element。否则,Astro 将尝试将你的变量名称渲染为文本 HTML 标记。

  • 不支持水合指令。使用 client:* 补水指令 时,Astro 需要知道要打包哪些组件进行生产,而动态标签模式阻止了这一点。

  • 不支持 define:vars 指令。如果你无法用额外的元素(例如 <div>)封装子元素,那么你可以手动将 style={`--myVar:${value}`} 添加到你的元素中。


Astro 支持使用 <Fragment> </Fragment> 或简写 <> </>

¥Astro supports using either <Fragment> </Fragment> or the shorthand <> </>.

添加 set:* 指令 时,片段可用于避免封装元素,如下例所示:

¥Fragments can be useful to avoid wrapper elements when adding set:* directives, as in the following example:

const htmlString = '<p>Raw HTML content</p>';
<Fragment set:html={htmlString} />

¥Differences between Astro and JSX

Astro 组件语法是 HTML 的超集。它的设计初衷是让任何具有 HTML 或 JSX 经验的人都感到熟悉,但 .astro 文件和 JSX 之间存在一些关键区别。

¥Astro component syntax is a superset of HTML. It was designed to feel familiar to anyone with HTML or JSX experience, but there are a couple of key differences between .astro files and JSX.


在 Astro 中,你对所有 HTML 属性使用标准 kebab-case 格式,而不是 JSX 中使用的 camelCase。这甚至适用于 React 不支持的 class

¥In Astro, you use the standard kebab-case format for all HTML attributes instead of the camelCase used in JSX. This even works for class, which is not supported by React.

<div className="box" dataValue="3" />
<div class="box" data-value="3" />

¥Multiple Elements

Astro 组件模板可以渲染多个元素,无需将所有内容封装在单个 <div><> 中,这与 JavaScript 或 JSX 不同。

¥An Astro component template can render multiple elements with no need to wrap everything in a single <div> or <>, unlike JavaScript or JSX.

// Template with multiple elements
<p>No need to wrap elements in a single containing element.</p>
<p>Astro supports multiple root elements in a template.</p>


在 Astro 中,你可以使用标准 HTML 注释或 JavaScript 样式注释。

¥In Astro, you can use standard HTML comments or JavaScript-style comments.

<!-- HTML comment syntax is valid in .astro files -->
{/* JS comment syntax is also valid */}
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